Thursday, December 4, 2008

Mortgage Payment Protection Takes Away Job Loss Worry

A recent survey showed that many potential home buyers were reluctant to proceed with their home buying plans when faced with the uncertainty of their job stability. Yet with the drop in home values and interest rates, we see one of the most historic opportunities to buy a home and buyers not ready to take advantage, may miss out.
H.E.L.P. is on the way. Allied Home Mortgage will now protect the home buyer with a FREE mortgage protection plan. This plan makes their FHA mortgage payment of up to $1800 for up to a six month period of time should a borrower lose their job during the first 2 years of their loan. An emergency grant is also available should finances drastically change during this same period. Agents and builders can also participate in providing this Homebuyer Education and Loan Protection Plan to their buyers. Complete details for the program can be obtained from our Spanaway WA office at (253)536-5626. News press releases will be going out shortly.